Saturday 27 October 2012

Cable and Wireless jokes

Once Santa and an American had a discussion over whose civilization was technologically more advanced in the ancient times. As the discussion was getting nowhere, they both decided to do some archaeological excavation to prove their respective claims. So the American started digging up in USA and after some time came up with a curly wire of a telephone.
He wrote in his report - US civilization was so advanced even in the ancient times that people then were using telephones; as has been proved by the presence of telephone wires amongst the excavation finds.
Now Santa went to Punjab and started his own digging. He dug and dug but could not come with anything and so went and wrote in his report - Indian civilization was more advanced even in those times that we were using cellular phones; as has been proved by the absence of any telephone wires in the excavation finds.

By:- Vimal Kishore

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